Monday, May 3, 2010

Australia: Riley's Lunch

Here is Riley from 2KM with his lunch order.

At Leopold Primary School we have a wonderful healthy canteen. To get a lunch order or a snack order, you have to write your order on a paper bag and the lunch order monitors take it to the canteen in the morning. The monitors then pick up the orders at lunch time.

Do you ever have a lunch order?
What do you have?


  1. To Riley

    I love noodles.
    Yes I have had a lunch order I have them every Friday.I love strawberry yogurt even more than noodles.

    From Clancy.

  2. Dear Riley,

    Your noodles and strawberry frozen yogurt look quite delicious! Do you order every day from the canteen? Or, do you just order once a week like Clancy does.

    I just looked at your canteen menu, and I like the way your school separates the foods into green, amber, and red foods. It's good to think about what is healthy to eat all the time and what is better in moderation.

    I'm curious, what is an apple slinky? an egg bert? a party pie?

    Your friend,
    Mrs. Yollis

  3. @ Mrs Yollis,

    Thank you for a comment!

    An apple slinky is an apple that has been peeled around and it is twirled.
    I am not sure what an egg bert is. A party pie is a small pie that has meat in it. I love party pies!!!

    Your blogging buddy,

  4. Dear Riley,

    Your lunch looks really good. Yes, I have ordered lunch at my lunch area, and I have to order whatever they have. I can order a grilled cheese every day. Also, at the lunch area you can order a salad on Tuesday and Thursday.

    That flavor of frozen yogurt looks really good, and I wish I could have it!

    Your blogging buddy,

  5. Dear Riley,
    I have had a lunch order. I loved frozen yoghurt but after a while it made me feel sick. My sister (Gemma) likes noodles. Have you ever had something else in your lunch order?

  6. @ Maddison,

    I had a pizze before ( it had ham and chees on it).
    With a slup pupple (the flaver was rassberry)
    and a jiger bread man.

    From Riley
