Wednesday, June 9, 2010

2KM: A final glimpse at Leopold PS

2KM has a long weekend coming up for the Queen's birthday so we thought we'd give everyone a final glimpse of our school with these four Fotobabbles.

Here is Clancy and Cam talking about our school chickens...

Deklan and Tyler want to tell you about our school office...

Here is Charlotte speaking about the Kensington Room...

Finally, Brooke would like to tell you about our school canteen...

Do you have any questions about these areas of our school?


  1. @ Clancy, Cam, Tyler, Deklan, Charlotte and Brooke,

    The video was really good!!
    This is a question for you Brooke. Is there more than just the things you said at the canteen?
    I still like the other videos.
    The chickens look a bit in the same place like one big chicken. Does Alma still take care of the Kensington room ?

    Your class mate


  2. Dear Clancy, Cam, Tyler, Deklan, Charlotte and Brooke,

    Thank you very much for the information you provided. The video's with you talking were very good. Mrs Yollis's class Brooke said about the lines to line up at the canteen the lines are prep only,grade 1,2 & 3 then grade 4,5 & 6 thats the lines.

    Charlotte does Alma still runs the Kensington room?

    Clancy & Cam, I could not hear the funny names on the laptop please tell me.

    Brooke who runs the canteen?

    Deklan & Tyler, who works at the office?

    Your class mate,


    PS Please write back.

  3. Dear 2KM,
    Everyone did a great job I think!!!
    @ Zoe,
    Yes Alma is sill in charge of the Kensington room.
    @ Charlotte,
    You did a great post about the kensington room.
    Well ALL of you did a great job!
    : )

  4. Dear Ash,
    Jenny runs the cannteen she is very nice and thankyou for your comment it was a good comment.

    Dear Charlotte,
    i liked your post it was very good.

    Dear Tyler and Dek,
    good job boys i think everyone enjoyed everyones post.

    From Brooke.

  5. Dear Dek, Charlotte and Tyler,
    You all did a great job on you post.
    WELL DONE!!!

    @ Brooke,
    I think the Canteen post is good because you know a lot about it.

    your friend,

  6. Hi Charlotte
    The Kensington Room sounds like lots of fun
    Does the Kensington Room have any computers?
    When I used to go to before school care my favourite activity was doing crafts
    from riley

  7. Dear Mrs Yollis and class,

    i hope you have some great holidays.Can anyone tell me where you are going.Is anyone going to Australia?

    Your bloging buddy Clancy

  8. Dear Clancy and Cam,
    My favourite chicken is penny. What chicken is your favourite? Did you chose one of the name's for one of the chicken's?
    Your pal,

  9. Dear Clancy and Cam,

    The hens look like they would be kind of annoying if they were clucking while you were trying to work. In the pen, are there any roosters?

    What is the record for the most amount of eggs they laid in one day?


  10. Dear Clancy and Cam,

    What a great post! I think the hens are cool. Do the teachers eat breakfast at school? Is it annoying with all of the clucks when your working?


  11. Dear Clancy and Cam,

    My favorite section of your school in this post is the chicken pen. It is my favorite because we don't have a chicken pen here, and I thought it is interesting to have chickens at a school. I really wish we had hens.

    Which chickens are your favorite, and why are they your favorite?


    P.S. I like your school a lot!

  12. Dear 2km,

    Can you buy school supplies in the office?

    It was nice meeting you.

